Scope of CMS Quality Ratings

Scope of CMS Quality Ratings

The United States Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issues quality ratings on a five-star scale to hospitals, other care facilities, and health insurance plans. The quality ratings system (QRS) was established and assigned to CMS as part of the...
Hyperalgesia in Anesthesia

Hyperalgesia in Anesthesia

Hyperalgesia, a heightened sensitivity to pain, poses a significant challenge in anesthesia and perioperative care. It is a phenomenon where patients experience exaggerated pain responses to stimuli that would typically cause only mild discomfort. Hyperalgesia can...
New Techniques in Cataract Treatment

New Techniques in Cataract Treatment

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, affecting nearly 65 million people.1 Cataracts form when proteins in the lens are damaged and clump together, reducing the amount of light that is passed from the lens to the retina and thereby causing loss of...
Clinicians with Difficult Airway Skills

Clinicians with Difficult Airway Skills

Airway management is one of the most critical skills in medicine, particularly in emergency and anesthesia settings. In cases of a difficult airway, the ability to secure it safely and efficiently can mean the difference between life and death. Clinicians with...
Advances in Awake Anesthesia for Surgery

Advances in Awake Anesthesia for Surgery

Awake anesthesia represents a ground-breaking shift in surgical care and comprises an increasing share of anesthesia procedures. Unlike general anesthesia, where patients are completely unconscious, awake anesthesia allows patients to remain alert or in a minimally...
Nanotherapeutics in Anesthesia

Nanotherapeutics in Anesthesia

Decades of research have found and validated many anesthetic agents that allow for life-saving procedures, including but not limited to propofol, nitrous oxide, sevoflurane, isoflurane, desflurane, halothane, ketamine, etomidate, opioids, barbiturates, xenon, and...

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