New Techniques in Cataract Treatment
Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide, affecting nearly 65 million people.1...
Clinicians with Difficult Airway Skills
Airway management is one of the most critical skills in medicine, particularly in emergency and...
Advances in Awake Anesthesia for Surgery
Awake anesthesia represents a ground-breaking shift in surgical care and comprises an increasing...
Nanotherapeutics in Anesthesia
Decades of research have found and validated many anesthetic agents that allow for life-saving...
Reasons to Have Surgery at a Tertiary Care Center
It is estimated that U.S. citizens undergo an average of 9.2 surgeries in their lifetimes,...
Research on The Impacts of Anesthesia on IVF Outcome
In the modern world, more and more people are choosing to give birth at later ages. However, peak...